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So, you love sending voice notes. Do your friends love getting them?

·2 mins


Non-Text Communication: The Divisiveness of Voice Notes #

Receiving voice notes has become a common occurrence for many, with people sending private podcasts of varying lengths, covering a range of topics. These audio messages, however, have become a divisive form of modern communication.

Unlike other voice messaging services, voice notes have no time limit, allowing senders to embark on uninhibited verbal journeys, sometimes leaving recipients at their mercy. Some find longer voice notes distracting, while others have a stronger aversion to them, considering them a question of etiquette or even a moral problem.

Etiquette experts suggest using voice notes only when tone is necessary but a conversation is not, such as when apologizing. They emphasize the importance of self-control and not bombarding someone’s life with a long-winded voice note. In-depth messages are better suited for phone calls where both parties can actively engage.

Voice notes are particularly popular with Gen Z, who are known for their aversion to phone calls. However, some experts warn that relying solely on voice notes leads to a lack of empathetic conversations and a flight from vulnerability. They believe that connecting with others requires the practice of empathetic conversations, even if it means showing more of oneself.

Despite the criticisms, voice notes have their proponents who appreciate the special kind of intimacy and vulnerability they offer. While it may take time for established norms to develop around voice notes, research suggests that spoken words are better remembered than words read in silence.

In conclusion, while voice notes can be bothersome for some, they can also be a source of comfort and laughter for others. As with any new form of communication, it is important to establish proper etiquettes and norms to ensure effective and respectful interaction.